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It hasn’t even been a week since our 10 year reunion, and already we have started preliminary planing for the first (that I know of) annual Milwaukee Tech Barbecue. All Milwaukee Tech Alumni are invited to attend.

Like I said before… we are in the preliminary stages of planning so here is a loose thought plan.
A proposed target date of 9/5/09… that’s Labor Day Weekend.
3 day weekends are usually easier on people that have to travel in from out of town
3 day weekends are always good for a party 😉
And it’s that one last big bash before the summer season starts to come to an end.

There were a few bucks left over from our 10 year reunion (not sure how much… Juanell is still cooking the books 😉 ), so we will roll this into the barbecue for infrastructure items… grills/coolers/ice/charcoal… those sorts of things… As far as food and beverage… we want to make this a B.Y.O.S. (Bring Your Own… Shhsstuff…) event, and therefore… free of charge event.
We will set up some sort of method of showing items that are needed, and a way for people to select items that they will bring. As people show up to the event with their goods, they will be given a wrist band showing the world that they are allowed to consume. Anyone that shows up empty handed will have to pay to receive a wrist band… I’m guessing anywhere between $5 and $20 bucks. Any residual cash will be rolled into the pot for the following year’s event.

That’s pretty much all I have for now…

What do you think about the proposed date?

Any questions, thoughts, or suggestions?
Please leave a comment.

Thank you EVERYONE!

Judging from the buzz on Facebook and the messages I’ve received, I would have to say that the weekend was a success. All of the work that was put into making these events happen of the past weekend, and I think I speak the the entire committee when I say this, was WELL worth the effort.
A special thanks needs to go out to all of the people that traveled hundreds of miles (travel isn’t cheap) to make it to the events.

If you have a Facebook account… I’m sure that you have already seen more pictures than you can shake a stick at.
If not… HERE is a link to the Official Facebook Fan Page for the Class of 1998 that contains all* of the photos that I took, and hopefully people will add some of their photos as well.
If anyone would like high res copies of any of the pics I took, that are suitable for large prints (I could even do 4×6 and 8×10 prints if you would like) get a hold of me (Marcus) the best way you know how, or simply leave a comment on this post.

* I’m still processing pics from the Basketball game and the reunion dinner. I should have them up no later than 3-18

The future:
During the early planning stages of this past weekend, the idea of having a yearly event came up. An annual Milwaukee Tech Alumni barbecue open to all classes from the old… REAL school.
Details coming soon, so be sure to check back!

Once again… Thanks everyone, and I hope to see you all soon…. (this summer!)

-[]\/[] []D-

Collecting our classmates data is the single most important portion of the task at hand. I have already noticed some people have registered their contact info that I have not seen on the FaceBook or MySpace pages; which means that someone out there is doing an excellent job of spreading the word. Thanks!
But we need EVERYONE to do this… even if you don’t plan on attending any of the events we plan for the future, please spread the word to our fellow classmates anyway… and let them make their own decision on whether to participate or not. Leaving your information on the [] website does not mean you are making a commitment to anything, you are just allowing us to get information to you about the up and coming events and for us to receive feedback.

Go through you phones and start calling, txting, and e-mailing!

P.S. After registering you contact info, make sure you check you email and confirm you address!

The Reunion Committee

Now that you’ve signed up for the Class of ’98 reunion list, you’ll have to check your email and confirm the subscription. If you do not do this, you contact information will not be saved!!!

We’ll use this blog to keep you up-to-date on the progress of the reunion, you might want to bookmark it. (click home to see all posts!)

We will be looking for feedback on planning so you will want to leave your opinion as a comment on this blog, a post on the [Facebook Fan Page] wall or as a post on the [MySpace wall.]

Don’t forget to tell our classmates about []

Here is the wanted list!!!